Sunday, September 6, 2009



I woke up this morning thinking I wasn´t going to make it to Llano Grande, waking up with a headache in my 40 degree cabin. I was almost sure I would tell my guide to come back tomorrow, until I sat outside in the sun that was pouring on the front porch, which completely refueled my energy. Once I was up and moving, I was surprised at how fast and how much my body had recovered from yesterday´s abuse. My muscles were achy but not cramped. Only once I started walking down the cobblestone steps outside my cabaña did I feel the pain (tetanus, Dr. D?) in the front muscles of my thigh, which reminded me that the nice, flat path today to Llano Grande would be my best option.

me next to a giant maguey

Today´s 5 miles went by pretty smoothly, with a guide making all the difference. The trail was pretty gentle most of the way. There were a couple steep, but short, slopes, that brought back painful memories to my legs. Other than that, it made for a perfect recovery walk.

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